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Shhhh ...

it's all about the Members

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Become a Puzzlebug!

Did I mention that it's free? Just create a member login. We want to support you, your family, your friends, your neighbors, your schools, and anyone else who would love our books. Create a login, sign up for The Puzzlebuzz newsletter, share your stories, and gain access to all sorts of great stuff. Above all, keep in touch!


Here's some things that Puzzlebugs can do:

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Manage your contact info and access all your member benefits for each title you own.

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Have a specific need you wish we had a picture book to help with?  Members can make a book request! If accepted, the book will be made available in one of our collections.

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bonus stuff

Each title you buy from our collection (whether print or eBook) comes with a code for bonus materials that only members can unlock! Color pages, cut & paste projects, emotion cards, and more!

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The puzzlebuzz

Stay up to date with The Puzzlebuzz newsletter: get sneak peaks, bonus printables, read stories from other puzzlebugs, submit stories, and celebrate with the foundation as we obtain goals to help others.


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